Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where's Your Zen?

Is your Zen lost? Misplaced? Gone? Does it only appear when you're feeling calm and peaceful? Is it next to impossible to find when you're stressed or angry? Do you mindlessly gulp down your coffee without giving Zen a second thought? Not to worry. You're not alone. All of us at one time or another have misplaced our Zen. It isn't lost, though it may have wandered off for a while, looking for you in the moment when you lost it.

Zen is everywhere, all the time. Your Zen is hiding in your coffee and is easily found when you look for it. Wherever you go, there you are. You can journey mindfully through life with Zen coffee. Zen is flexible. Zen is fluid. Zen fits your lifestyle. Zen is in every breath you take. Breathe and be present in the moment, no matter where you are, what you are doing, how you are feeling, or what is happening. Breathe and be completely present with your feelings in the moment you are experiencing. That's where your Zen is.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Zen Coffee: A Guide to Mindful Meditation

Zen Coffee is nearly finished. Just wanted to give you a look at the cover. My blogging buddy, Caroline, at The Zen in You, created the cover. We're almost ready to go to press; the book will be available by the end of this month. You can read what the book is about here. While you're waiting, take some time to just simply breathe and mindfully enjoy your Zen coffee.

We'll be revealing the answer to the koan of meditating by coffee and giving away free copies of Zen Coffee as part of our book launch. If you haven't pondered the koan, please mindfully meditate on it and post your answer.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


There really are no words to describe the emotions we all felt so deeply on this day seven years ago. I hurt for all the people who lost their lives that day and for their families. Today, I choose to practice peace. In my own way, I hope to help with the healing in our hearts that will lead to loving kindness and peace.