Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Colorado Springs-based Cowboy Christian Connection links cowboys to God.

So who are the aliens these days Harrison... Indians, Mexicans, Iraqis, Afghanis, Russians, Afro - Americans....?
No Daniel... I think it's Satan...he's got one hell of a mean streak!

The Sydney Anglican Network posted as breaking news that Colorado Springs-based Cowboy Christian Connection, is helping unite the about 700 interdenominational cowboy-specific ministries that have sprung up across the United States and Canada since the mid-1970s. A 2009 count conducted by the Baptist General Convention of Texas found cowboy churches accounted for more than 10 percent of the state's total baptisms since 2000. Christian Cowboys president said... When I grew up, that's all I knew from rodeo cowboys was that they'd get drunk, ride and be with women afterwards. In 1973, the Ca�on City native and two pro- rodeo cowboys started the fellowship. An injured cowboy said, when he found God in his hospital bed... You might be rough and tough on the surface, but if you aren't just a little bit scared deep down, you are probably nuts... You need to give your life to the Lord because you never know when it might be your last ride.

So Ennis the Lord wasn't saying to that cowboy to give up the rodeo circuit? Do you reckon we could join that para church?

Nah Jack... our riding skills are too unorthodox! But it sounds like a church for Mark Driscoll.

This lot might like to join GAFCON... and let's not forget the untapped Complementarian market for evangelical publishing companies... because everyone knows that a real cowgirl stands by her man.

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