Conversion therapy worked for me!
Anglican Mainstream notes that Lord Carey is backing a Christian psychotherapist's appeal, after she was barred for attempting to cure a homosexual during a therapy session and saying... homosexuality is a mental illness, an addiction or an anti religious phenomenon. Her appeal is backed by Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, and former bishops Michael Nazir-Ali, and Wallace Benn. These men have written... Psychological care for those who are distressed by unwanted homosexual attractions has been shown to yield a range of beneficial client outcomes, especially in motivated clients ...

Yeah those homosexualists will do anything to change after we put the fear of God into them!
The therapy used by Lesley Pilkington, endorsed by the former bishops, and practised by a handful of psychotherapists in Britain involves behavioural, psychoanalytical and religious techniques. It encourages "masculinity" and "to develop healthy relationships with women", said Mrs Pilkington. The therapy practised by Mrs Pilkington had been described as "absurd" by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and roundly condemned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Her legal defence is being funded by the Christian Legal Centre.

I wonder if Lord Carey can organise some therapy for me... I mean he's all for getting the poor off welfare so can he reorientate my life from poverty to wealth and privledge?

And 'conversion' is my middle name!
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