Saturday, January 21, 2012

Supreme Court hears narcolepsy verses religious freedom case says Anglican Mainstream

Anglican Mainstream reports...In a landmark ruling the US Supreme Court says churches, not the Government, should control the employment of �ministers of religion�.
The case centres around a former teacher who suffers from narcolepsy and was dismissed from a church school for insubordination and �regrettable� conduct to church leaders.
Her case was backed by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Lutheran church that runs the school said the teacher�s job involved communicating the church�s teaching, and therefore she was a minister of religion.

Joan... there's always one narcoleptic trouble maker in every congregation.
Yes Matthew... total insubordination and a contagious threat to religious freedom everywhere ... and you've got to wonder about the company these people keep...I'm going to ask
Lisa Nolland!

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